
In-situ, complex water quality assessment using direct and immunofluorescence, as well as plasma spectroscopy

The development of a modular sensor and instrument family for in-situ complex water quality assessment based on direct and immunofluorescence, as well as optical and laser plasma spectroscopy, and the exploration of application areas.


The aim of the project is to develop a new water analytical system that enables the complex, systematic, and in-situ assessment and monitoring of water quality parameters in natural and artificial waters. This involves creating a modular instrument family that can be individually configured for specific tasks at various monitoring points, developing sampling tools for live water applications, and adapting to the ecological characteristics of the studied aquatic habitats. The innovation of the concept lies in the combination of direct and immunofluorescence, as well as laser spectroscopy measurement techniques, and the use of the latest optical and photonic devices. This instrument family allows for the rapid deployment and operation of a monitoring procedure that optimally measures the relevant pollutants with minimal effort in case of specific water quality issues or disaster situations.

The project is a joint research and development effort by the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre's Agricultural Environmental Science Research Institute and Food Science Research Institute, the Department of Atomic Physics at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the Danube Research Institute of the Centre for Ecological Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Izotóp Intézet Kft., and Optimal Optik Kft. The innovation of the instrument family lies in the combined modular application of measurement principles and techniques based on direct and immunofluorescence, as well as optical and laser spectroscopy.

Supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office from the NKFI Fund, this project results in a methodological development where the presence of essential water chemical parameters and certain organic micropollutants can be measured simultaneously in a single instrument using excitation fluorescence. This development significantly expands the toolkit for domestic water science research, allowing for more accurate monitoring of the contamination status of surface waters.

Project Information

  • Project ID: NVKP 16-1-2016-0049
  • Project Title: In-situ, complex water quality assessment using direct and immunofluorescence, as well as plasma spectroscopy
  • Project Start: 2017.02.01
  • Project End: 2021.02.28
  • Support Amount: 544,220,408 HUF
  • Total Cost: 648,989,000 HUF
  • Support Rate (%): 83.86%

Funding Scheme

The project NVKP 16-1-2016-0049 is funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund within the framework of the "National Competitiveness and Excellence Program NVKP_16".

Fields of Science

  • Engineering and Technology
  • Materials Engineering
  • Bioengineering
  • Optical Engineering




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