
In-situ complex water qualification with the co-application of direct and immune fluorescence, and plasma spectroscopy

The project aims to develop a new water analysis system for natural and artificial waters, allowing complex, systematic and for main parameters in situ assessment and monitoring of water quality, by developing a modular instrument family that can be individually configured for target tasks at each monitoring point. Project objectives are facilitated by utilizing sampling devices applicable in ecological water habitats and by adapting it to the ecological characteristics of wetlands. The novelty of the concept is the combination of direct and immunofluorescence as well as laser spectroscopic measurement methods, with the use of cutting edge optical and photonic devices. The instrument family will allow rapid and cost-effective installation and operation of water contaminant monitoring in a wide range of water quality problems, even in disasters.

NVKP 16-1-2016-0049 project is sponsored from the NKFI Fund and funded by the National Competitiveness and Excellence Programme (NVKP_16)

Project ID: NVKP 16-1-2016-0049

Project title: Development of a modular, direct and immunofluorometric as well as plasma spectroscopy-based detector for in situ, complex water quality monitoring

Start date of the project: 02/01/2017

The completion date of the project: 02/28/2021

Consortium members:

  • Agro-Environmental Research Institute (consortium leader)
  • Food Science Research Institute
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Atomic Physics
  • Ecological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Optimal Optik Ltd.
  • Institute of Isotopes Co., Ltd.

Amount of awarded fund: 544 220 408 HUF

Total eligible project cost: 648 989 000 HUF

Intensity of subsidy: 83,86%