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Wir sind die Autoren mehrerer erfolgreicher Zeitschriftenartikel und wissenschaftlicher Werke, die Sie unten durchstöbern können.

Amplitude, phase, and hybrid ternary modulation modes of a twisted-nematic liquid-crystal display at∼ 400 nm
J Reményi, P Várhegyi, L Domján, P Koppa, E Lõrincz
Applied Optics 42 (17), 3428-3434, 2003

Ternary phase-amplitude modulation with twisted nematic liquid crystal displays for Fourier-plane light homogenization in holographic data storage
L Domjan, P Koppa, G Szarvas, J Remenyi
Optik 113 (9), 382-390, 2002

Stripe illuminator based on LED array and parabolic mirror for active triangulation sensors used on mobile robots
L Domjan, L Kocsanyi, P Richter, G Szarvas, S Varkonyi, W Feiten
Optical Engineering 39 (11), 2867-2875, 2000

Development of an immunofluorescence assay module for determination of the mycotoxin zearalenone in water
B Gémes, E Takács, P Gádoros, A Barócsi, L Kocsányi, S Lenk
Toxins 13 (3), 182, 2021

Holographic data storage in thin polymer films
P Koppa, P Varhegyi, T Ujvari, M Lovasz, G Szarvas, F Ujhelyi, G Erdei, J Remenyi, L Domjan, A Suto, E Lorincz
Organic Holographic Materials and Applications 5216, 165-177, 2003

Phase modulation configuration of a liquid crystal display
J Remenyi, P Koppa, L Domjan, E Loerincz
19th Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Optics for the …, 2003

Selectivity and tolerance calculations with half-cone-shaped reference beam in volume holographic storage
Z Kárpáti, G Szarvas, L Domján
Journal of Modern Optics 53 (14), 2067-2088, 2006

Shift selectivity calculation for finite-volume holograms with half-cone reference beams
Z Kárpáti, G Szarvas, F Przygodda, H Richter, H Trautner, P Koppa
Japanese journal of applied physics 45 (2S), 1288, 2006

Utilization of a novel immunofluorescence instrument prototype for the determination of the herbicide glyphosate
E Takács, B Gémes, F Szendrei, C Keszei, A Barócsi, S Lenk, L Domján
Molecules 27 (19), 6514, 2022

Generation of spatial light distributions
L Domjan
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, 2004

Application of a Fluorescence-Based Instrument Prototype for Chlorophyll Measurements and Its Utility in an Herbicide Algal Ecotoxicity Assay
D Lázár, E Takács, M Mörtl, S Klátyik, A Barócsi, L Kocsányi, S Lenk, L Domján
Water 15 (10), 1866, 2023

Development and validation of a surface profiling system for end of line monitoring of microstructured elastomer seals based on chromatic confocal microscopy
LT Csőke, S Kautny, L Domján, G Szarvas, L Lugosi, A Csákányi, Z Kollár
Precision Engineering 77, 365-374, 2022

Sensitive fluorescence instrumentation for water quality assessment
D Csősz, S Lenk, A Barócsi, TL Csőke, S Klátyik, D Lázár, M Berki, L Domján
Proceedings of the Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress (ES, FTS, HISE, Sensors), 2019

SNR analysis of the stripe illuminator based on linear emitter and cylindrical lens against solar irradiance
L Domján, L Kocsányi, P Richter, É Jeszenszky
Optics and lasers in engineering 40 (3), 201-223, 2003

Comparison of coaxial holographic storage arrangements from the M number consumption point of view
Z Kárpáti, K Banko, G Szarvas, S Kautny, L Domján
Japanese journal of applied physics 46 (6S), 3845, 2007

Determination of the mycotoxin zearalenone in water by immunofluorescence and total internal reflection ellipsometry methods
B Gémes, E Takács, A Barócsi, L Kocsányi, L Domján, G Szarvas
Proc. 26th International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems, 2020

Optical head and multiplexing methods for reflection type holographic storage using spatial filtering
G Szarvas, P Koppa, G Erdei, L Domjan, 2006

Cabeça óptica e métodos de multiplexação para armazenamento holográfico com uso de filtragem espacial
G Szarvas, P Koppa, G Erdei, L Domjan, 2008

Interlayer crosstalk analysis for multilayer thin-film holographic data storage
L Domjan, P Koppa, G Szarvas, G Erdei, A Suto
2003 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO/Europe 2003) (IEEE), 2003

Phase modulation configuration of a liquid crystal display
J Remenyi, P Koppa, L Domjan, E Lorincz

Enzyme-linked fluorescent immunoassay for monitoring the herbicide active ingredient glyphosate in water
E Takács, B Gémes, F Szendrei, C Keszei, A Barócsi, S Lenk, L Domján

Application of an induced fluorometry-based method in algal growth inhibition tests
D Lázár, S Klátyik, E Takács, A Barócsi, L Kocsányi, S Lenk, L Domján

Comparison of the coaxial holographic storage arrangements from the M# consumption point of view
Z Kárpáti, K Banko, G Szarvas, S Kautny, L Domjan

Physics and technology of optical storage in polymer thin films
PS Ramanujam, S Hvilsted, F Ujhelyi, P Koppa, E Lörincz, G Erdei
Synthetic Metals 124 (1), 145-150, 2001

Saturation effect in azobenzene polymers used for polarization holography
P Várhegyi, Á Kerekes, S Sajti, F Ujhelyi, P Koppa, G Szarvas, E Lőrincz
Applied Physics B 76, 397-402, 2003

Role of Rac GTPase activating proteins in regulation of NADPH oxidase in human neutrophils
ÁM Lőrincz, G Szarvas, SME Smith, E Ligeti
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 68, 65-71, 2014

Tolerancing surface accuracy of aspheric lenses used for imaging purposes
G Erdei, G Szarvas, E Lorincz
Optical Design and Engineering 5249, 718-728, 2004

Rewritable holographic memory card system
E Loerincz, F Ujhelyi, A Sueto, G Szarvas, P Koppa, G Erdei, S Hvilsted
Optical Data Storage 2000 4090, 185-190, 2000

Optimization method for the design of beam shaping systems
G Erdei, G Szarvas, E Loerincz, P Richter
Optical Engineering 41 (3), 575-583, 2002

Polarization holographic data storage using azobenzene polyester as storage material
E Loerincz, G Szarvas, P Koppa, F Ujhelyi, G Erdei, A Sueto, P Varhegyi
Organic Photonic Materials and Devices V 4991, 34-44, 2003

Optical system of holographic memory card writing/reading equipment
G Erdei, G Szarvas, E Loerincz, J Fodor, F Ujhelyi, P Koppa, P Varhegyi
Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization III 4092, 109-118, 2000

Optimization of the storage density in thin polarization holograms
P Varhegyi, P Koppa, E Loerincz, G Szarvas, PI Richter
Holography 2000 4149, 315-323, 2000

Design of high-numerical-aperture Fourier objectives for holographic memory card writing/reading equipment
G Erdei, J Fodor, P Kallo, G Szarvas, F Ujhelyi
Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Systems Engineering 4093, 2000

Fourier description of the propagation and focusing of an extraordinary beam in a planar uniaxial medium
M Barabás, G Szarvas
Applied Optics 34 (1), 11-21, 1995

Design of multielement acircular waveguide lens systems in anisotropic media
G Szarvas, M Barabas, PI Richter, L Jakab
Optical Engineering 32 (10), 2510-2516, 1993

Hologram interferometric measuring system for industry
Z Fuzessy, A Adam, I Bogar, F Gyimesi, G Szarvas
Industrial Applications of Laser Technology 398, 111-115, 1983

Polarization-holographic data storage
P Koppa, T Ujvári, M Lovász, G Szarvas, A Sütő, E Lőrincz
SPIE’s Holography Newsletter 14 (2), 1, 2003

Data storage on holographic memory card
P Koppa, G Erdei, F Ujhelyi, P Varhegyi, T Ujvari, E Loerincz, G Szarvas
Holography 2000 4149, 309-314, 2000

Cascading low-quality beam shapers to improve overall performance
G Erdei, G Szarvas, E Lorincz, P Richter
Optical Engineering 41 (3), 584-591, 2002

Recent developments and results in acousto-optic signal processing systems
A Barocsi, L Jakab, G Szarvas, PI Richter, I Szonyi
Advances in Optical Information Processing VII 2754, 21-30, 1996

Multilayer thin-film holographic storage-a new approach
G Szarvas, P Koppa, A Suto, P Varhegyi, S Mike, G Erdei, F Ujhelyi
International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage Topical Meeting 2002

Telecentric/inverse-telecentric objective for optical data storage purposes
G Erdei, G Szarvas, P Kallo, E Loerincz
OPTIKA'98: 5th Congress on Modern Optics 3573, 380-383, 1998

Anisotropic rectangular waveguides with diagonal index tensors: approximate variational analysis with anisotropy as a perturbation
M Barabás, E Lörincz, G Szarvas, S Gaál
Optics Communications 123 (1-3), 259-267, 1996

New results in holographic data storage with organic polymer films
E Lorincz, P Koppa, T Ujvari, M Lovasz, F Ujhelyi, G Erdei, A Suto
Organic Holographic Materials and Applications II 5521, 46-54, 2004

Holographic data storage with organic polymer films
P Koppa, T Ujvari, G Erdei, F Ujhelyi, E Lorincz, G Szarvas, P Richter
Multiphoton and Light Driven Multielectron Processes in Organics: New …, 2000

System modeling and optimization of the polarization Fourier holographic memory card
P Varhegyi, P Koppa, E Lorincz, G Szarvas, PI Richter
19th Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Optics for the …, 2002

Storage Density Enhancement in Holographic Memory Card System
P Koppa, P Várhegyi, T Ujvári, G Szarvas, S Hvilsted, PS Ramanujam
Nonlinear Optics for the Information Society: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Optical Materials, 2001

Holographic memory card system using polarization holography
L Gazdag, G Szarvas, G Erdei, A Süto, J Fodor, E Lörincz, F Ujhelyi
International Symposium on Optical Memory 2000 (ISOM 2000), 150-151, 2000

Extensions to a lens design program for the ray-optical design of waveguide lenses and prism couplers
G Erdei, G Szarvas, M Barabás
Journal of Modern Optics 44 (2), 415-430, 1997

A complex design and microfabrication system for experimental production of planar waveguide lenses for integrated optical circuits
L Kocsanyi, R Kosza, M Barabas, G Szarvas, L Jakab
Microelectronic Engineering 25 (2-4), 351-355, 1994

Holographic memory card system using software servo solution
A Suto, G Szarvas
2003 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO/Europe 2003), 2003

Holographic chip and optical system for the holographic chip
P Toth, P Richter, E LőRINCZ, P Koppa, G Szarvas, F Ujhelyi

System and method for recording of information on a holographic recording medium, preferably an optical card
PS Ramanujam, S HVILSTED, P Koppa, E LőRINCZ, P Richter

Feasibility Study of a 3D Optical Storage System
PI Richter, E Lorincz, P Koppa, G Szarvas
NASA, 1998

Optical system of page organized optical storage device
E Lőrincz, G Erdei, P Kalló, PI Richter, G Szarvas, F Ujhelyi
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CWF60, 1998

Anisotropic Waveguide Lens Design with a Commercial Optical Design Program
G Erdei, G Szarvas, M Barabás
Laser in Forschung und Technik/Laser in Research and Engineering: Vorträge, 1996

Advanced Computational Electromagnetics
Advanced Computational Electromagnetics: Selected Papers of the 3rd Japan, 1995

Equivalence of Extraordinary Waves in a Uniaxial Medium and Scalar Waves in Vacuum
G Szarvas, M Barabás
Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering (Archives) 38 (3), 249-255, 1994

A program for the design of acircular lenses in anisotropic planar waveguides
G Szarvas
16th Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Optics as a Key to …, 1993

New type hybrid (refractive, diffractive) waveguide lenses
G Szarvas
16th Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Optics as a Key to …, 1993

Coupling of Proton-Exchanged and Diffused Slab Waveguides and Calculated Tolerances
M Wagner, G Szarvas, L Jakab
6th Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Optics as a Key to …, 1993

Program for the Design of Acircular Lenses in Planar Waveguides
G Szarvas, M Barabás, P Richter, L Jakab
6th Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Optics as a Key to …, 1993

Evaluation Of Holographic Interferograms By Parametric Representation Of The Displacement Vector Field
G Szarvas, A Adam, I Bogar, Z Fuzessy, F Gyimesi
Symposium Optika'84 473, 48-51, 1985